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As we are living longer, a life stage is less representative of people of a particular age. We tend to think that everyone under 25 only wants to go out drinking; that those in their early-60s are all thinking about retirement; and that everyone in the middle is juggling a career and caring. While all these are still true for some, there are lots of under 25s who don’t drink, a growing group of over 55s entering higher education, and given longer working lives, most people will likely have several phases of paid work interspersed with other phases of their life. The point is that we shouldn’t assume.

So why does this matter for brands? Because by assuming that age equals life stage, we’re missing out on the big opportunities to connect even better with our audiences.

Our longevity research and thought leadership is led by Rachel Lloyd, Director. Her specific focus is on language and she helps clients understand how they can communicate with more impact in this area. Her ambition is to support organisations adapt and respond to the communications opportunities of longevity.

For recent articles and thinking on longevity, please see the link below and follow Rachel on Twitter. For conference/speaking availability or to get in touch with her directly you can do so via


The Case for Purpose

Businesses, big and small are waking up to the array of benefits that purpose can bring, but the meaning of the concept remains unclear to many. In this report we make the case for purpose. The report explores the landscape, lays out the benefits and gives clear guidance for how purpose can be brought to life within a business.

Published October 2018


Beware the 'corporate culture'

People’s expectations about company culture are changing, and attributes that in the past might have been desirable are now turning off staff. In this issue of Corporate Reputation magazine we conducted focus groups with employees in medium and large companies to find out what they think about company culture.

Published Winter 2017/18 in Corporate Reputation


The power (and pitfalls) of purpose

Corporate purpose is a hot topic in the business community, but it remains an elusive and confused concept. For this article in Corporate Reputation magazine we conducted research to find out what the public really think about the purpose or mission statements of six high profile companies.

Published Summer 2017 in Corporate Reputation


The Five steps to building a resilient reputation

"Every company wants to build a good reputation, but what they actually need is a resilient reputation, able to survive the shocks and endure for the long-term."

In this article published in Corporate Reputation magazine, Matt Carter looks at why some companies are able to survive a crisis with their reputation relatively intact while others see their reputation collapse and never improve.

Published Spring 2017 in Corporate Reputation